Volume I- Issue IV Tuesday, July 20, 2010
What does it mean to struggle? Is struggle necessary for evolution, whether of the spiritual, emotional, or intellectual nature?
Evolution and growth doesn’t have to be painful or a struggle, however if we identify with it in that manner, so it will be. We can learn through acceptance and faith, just as we can learn by struggle. Struggle is a way to keep us trapped in our self and our own inner drama. The illusion of struggle keeps us in an emotionally charged state where we are running around in circles, outwardly grasping for the solutions to our current “problem.” In struggle, we become consumed with our emotions and feel the need to fight for what we want, rather than surrendering to what is presented. Struggle is often driven by the mourning of the past, or the desire to control the future for it is impossible for struggle to exist in the present moment.
I’ve come to realize how the ideas of struggle and surrender beautifully balance one another out. If we can really surrender to the present moment, we are able to quiet the mind and access our faith and divine connection. We’re able to transcend past the grasps of need, lack, and pain and find a space where we maneuver freely through this world and yet understand that we aren’t of this world; our very being transcends the human experience. We can observe and refuse to fight with ourselves----to peacefully refuse the battle.
“Don't seek God in temples. He is close to you. He is within you. Only you should surrender to Him and you will rise above happiness and unhappiness.” ~ Tolstoy, I loved these words. You see, there is a beautiful space that exists that transcends our emotional attachment to this world. We only struggle when we feel like our expectations or desires haven’t been met. If we surrender and trust in something greater, we don’t take actions of others personally. We are able to compassionately understand that their actions, behaviors and choices are part of their personal journey. When we constantly look outside of ourselves for the answers or blame others for our states, we leave ourselves powerless and doubting. If we constantly ask ourselves the “what if” questions, and plague ourselves with the disease of “if only I had” or “why me” thoughts; we will find ourselves caught in the torrential storm of struggle, a never ending and dangerous battle with ourselves.
God exists for every creature in the temple of their very own heart. God exists within you, as you. This is a beautiful teaching that is at the core of many spiritual traditions. There is a god-like essence within every human on this planet. This piece of the human being is completely whole, filled with infinite wisdom, compassion, understanding, and divinity. This is the real weapon needed to combat struggle and emotional pain. If we are able to undoubtedly know this truth, we are always connected to the divine in each and every moment; then we are able to soar and fly freely through this world, leaping over the emotional drama and internal dialogue. We are able to declare loudly to the universe that we are lovingly finished with the current cycle (not struggle) at hand and prepare ourselves for the beauty that awaits us around the bend, if we only step out of the way of ourselves.
We can learn lovingly and peacefully.
We can leap exponentially.
We can live completely.
Affirmation/ Prayer:
On this day, I release my expectations.
I surrender and remember that I am whole.
I breathe in contentment, stillness and light and understand that there is no other option for the present moment.
I lovingly and gently bring myself back home into the now, no longer pained by the past or concerned with the future.
On this day, I simply AM.